Michele and Alan Campbell both started their photography journey several years ago.
They have completed an HNC at Ayr College studying portraiture which has became Michele's forte and passion. Both are members of Irvine Camera Club and love the competitive aspect of club photography. They also have Both gained from the Guild of Photographers the Photographers Bar Michele X 2 for "People & Pets" Alan X1 for "Natural world" A minimum of 24 points have to be achieved from 8 of the 10 months where only 3 images are scored in each category.
Michele has also just gained her 2nd Crown in the BPE where 50 images have to be accepted. She has also achieved awards in many of these exhibitions. She has recently received awards and acceptances in FIAP and had her 2nd acceptance in the prestigious Masters of Print which she attended in Birmingham.
Packages which they offer are:
NEW : Fine Art Portraiture & Fine Art Pets
All types of parties
Childrens cake smashes
Baby bumps to babies
Prints, Canvases, Albums etc.are available on request
All enquries can be made through our contact page which also has a link to our facebook page.